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Wednesday, December 01, 2004


As usual, I got distracted tonight by creating this blog, and I blame my best mate Nick :), who sent me an email about a week ago about his new blog (which is at ntakayama.blogspot.com), and I only got it tonight when I checked my gmail account...

anyhoo... I was meant to be translating this application for my boss from english into arabic and getting screen shots for him cos he's heading off to Dubai this weekend for some sales pitch for our product... I mean I've already done it in Malay, but Arabic is harder as it's a weird non western character set, and it goes from right to left... simply put it's time consuming moving controls around the screen... blah... blah... blah... and I couldn't get the whole dev environment setup on my laptop at home that I gave up, and decided to take my work pc home tomorrow night...

Incidentally username is اسم المستخدم and password is كلمة السر in Arabic, if anyone was interested... :)


At 11:54 PM, Blogger ntt said...

I think you mis-spelt the 'username' in arabic. :P

Just kidding man. Glad you have a blog. Keep us up to date on how things are going!


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