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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hannahsaurus Rex! *ROAR*!!!

Kids are amusing...

My little Hannah came home from Kindy the other day and was telling us about dinosaurs as this is the current theme at Kindy for the next few weeks. She also mentioned that the teachers had given her a dinosaur name of Hannahsaurus Rex so she was busy demonstrating a Hannahsaurus Rex big loud roar at the dinner table... :)

Anyways, I jokingly brought it up again this morning at breakfast and called her by her dinosaur name, and she was rather upset and crossed, and when questioned why... she said, "But I don't want to be a dinosaur this morning!" followed by a big pout...

Find it amusing as it's both cute and depressing at the same time for me as a father how quickly she is growing up... *sigh* and it doesn't help that over the past few days I've been watching home videos of her when she was much younger as a bub and toddler...

Ah, the joys of fatherhood...



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