Fulfilling but tiring week
Mission Impossible: Fit that into car with pram
Originally uploaded by swang.
Mission accomplished!
Originally uploaded by swang.
Here is where I hid more stuff
Originally uploaded by swang.
Note to self and other new dads, do not go shopping with new mum without new bub, as money will be spent on bubby and heaps of it as well... :) Target was having a toy sale and it was the last day so we decided to buy Hannah's Christmas gift and my sister decided to do the same. We had heaps of fun, although after the purchases and wheeling the trolley it began to dawn on me that it might be a challenge putting all the stuff into the car. But in a similar fashion to solving some kind of Rubik's puzzle, I managed to squeeze everything into the car as shown on the photos and even managed to put a trolley of groceries in after the other stuff was in the car as shown in the pics. :)
We even spoilt ourselves and bought the Star Wars Trivial Pursuit game which covered all 6 movies and had 2 DVD's which is cool as some of the questions are on the DVD and is interactive. We went over to Nick and Diana's place for dinner last night and managed to play a bit before packing everything up quickly and heading off as the girls were exhausted.
Managed to rest most of today and took on more feeding and caring duties for Hannah today whilst wifey rested, and went out for dinner at the local Thai place to celebrate my sister's birthday which is during the coming week.
Starting my new job tomorrow (or more like later today...) so that should be fun. Especially seeing it's back in the CBD which means that I can catchup with friends that work in the city and head into the city for a touch of retail therapy during lunchtimes.
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